Distiller: Doni Faber
Rating: 3/5 Stars
Good For: An easy read on economics
Talking to My Daughter About Economics or How Capitalism Works-- And How it Fails
by Yanis Varoufakis
Farrar, Straus, and Giroux
Oct. 1, 2018
(209 pages)
Yanis Varoufakis, the former finance minister of Greece, writes a
book about economy to the projected audience of his daughter. He
does a good job of formulating market economy concepts in fairly
general, easy-to-understand terms. Still, his audience seems to be
geared toward teenagers or young adults, not for younger readers.
I really liked how
he used stories such as Faust or Frankenstein or the Matrix to
explain economic concepts. These parts seemed quite original. Other
parts of his explanation are stolen such as Jared Diamond’s
explanation for why Eurasia had more rapid conquest than other areas
of the world. He does give Diamond credit in his prologue, but as a
book without any footnotes, it made me wonder how much of the rest of
the book represents Varoufakis’ original thoughts.
The book helped
expand my thinking about the antagonistic relationship between
capitalism and protecting our environment. While I’ve long
recognized that the two systems are necessarily at odds because
capitalism requires continual growth and our world has physical
limits, Varoufakis pushed this one step farther. As long as our
natural resources are in the commons, like clean air, they do not
factor into our economic equations. But natural disasters generate
profit. A forest left to its own devices doesn’t generate profit
for anyone. But a forest fire generates profit for the fire
fighters, for the construction workers who rebuild destroyed houses,
and so on. This struck me as an interesting insight.
concludes that there are only two ways to make capitalism and saving
our world compatible: one is a market solution where the wealthy buy
what have been the commons and protect their property. The other,
which is what the author supports, is to make it more democratically
controlled because at least in theory, in a democracy each person
gets one vote, while in a market economy, each person gets as many
votes as money can buy. While I agree with him, I would have
appreciated him fleshing out his proposed solution more.
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