Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Last night's book signing celebrating  JR Johansson's Paranoia (second book in The Night Walker's series) was awesome.

Johansson really knows how to treat her fans!
She had a raffle to give away her book covers, a copy of her upcoming book "Cut Me Free" (set to be released in January 2015) and cute gift bags full of treats! 

Not only that, but she had Insomnia backpacks, buttons with Insmonia and Paranoia character Finn's funnier t-shirt sayings, book marks, and bottles of water for all. 
She took a lot of time to personalize books and chat with each of her fans, honestly she is probably one of the all around nicest people you'll ever meet. If you hadn't read her books, you might not even guess that she's got a serious talent for writing super creepy stories. haha. 

Unfortunately we missed the beginning of her signing. A.R. Braithwaite and I were at a book exchange where we also participated in reading some of our writing. I have only ever exchanged my personal writing with Braithwaite and another friend, so reading it out loud to a group was nerve wracking, but fun for us.  As soon as the readings were finished, we ran to the signing.

It was a full house! 

 We were sorry to have missed the bulk of her discussion. 

JR agreed to do an author interview with us a few weeks ago, so we'll still be able to share some exclusive details about her author experience and The Night Walker's series! Be on the look out for her upcoming interview and see what drink she recommends readers drink with her new thriller, Paranoia!


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