Monday, January 11, 2016

Distiller: Hikari Loftus
4/5 Stars

by Julianne Donaldson
Shadow Mountain (March 27, 2012)
264 pages

After the death of her mother and the flight of her heartbroken father, Marianne Daventry is sent to Bath to stay with her grandmother. Not only is Bath boring and confining for Marianne, she’s got the amorous attention of a highly unwanted suitor.

So when an invitation from her twin sister, Cecily, arrives inviting her to the English countryside for the summer, Marianne jumps at the chance. On her way to the enormous Endenbrooke estate, Marianne’s coach is robbed—Marianne and her maid barely escaping to a nearby inn. It’s that evening that sets Marianne on a hilarious, exciting, confusing, eye-opening, and even romantic adventure.

It’s just up to Marianne to decide where her heart lies and if she will open it.

So many people gushed over this one and I can see why now. This was such a fun read.

A little cheesy? Yes. Often predictable? Yes. Hilarious and entertaining? Absolutely. And totally romantic? There were a few scenes that were totally swoon worthy. This is a chickflick in a book.

Marianne will both annoy you and make you laugh. She’s a good balance of proper lady and tomboy in a dress. And Phillip, with his love letter writing skills, might even find his way onto my fictional boyfriend list.

My book club president, Kelly, described this as “Jane Austen for Beginners”. The language fits the time period, but the writing style is a fresh, less cumbersome take. So you get the Regency style and feel, without the classic style weight.

All in all, if you’re looking for a good, clean romance, something that is quick and fun to read, this is your book. 

Looking forward to reading the companion novel, “Blackmoore”, which I hear is a must read.


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