Monday, October 10, 2016

Hikari takes the most amazing book pictures and I love seeing them on Instagram, but I also realize that not all book lovers are following along on the Bookstgram journey so I thought it would be fun to have a weekly feature highlighting the images.  Enjoy. (and if you want read more or see more pictures check us out on Instagram: or

"Bright Minds and Empty Souls” By Jennae Cecelia

This is a collection of poems written over the course of the last six years by now 22 year old author, Jennae and she calls it works for the hopeless romantics, and the people who want to believe they can make bad times into great ones.

This box by "The Literary Box" quarterly was curated by Beth Revis and her letter describing her book “A World Without You” and the reasons she chose to include the other things inside this box was very moving.
There will be four weeks of this challenge to help author Kami Garcia celebrate the upcoming release of her book, “The Lovely Reckless”.

Each week post a photo on Instagram with the challenge prompt, tag @kamigarcia, and use the hashtag #thelovelyrecklesschallenge. A winner will be selected from the entries each week to win some killer prize packs!

I can’t lie. I love clever things. The whole flip book idea of “Replica” by Lauren Oliver  is intriguing to me.

So this book kind of works in a couple different ways and I keep getting that same excited feeling I used to get as a kid when I read those choose your own adventure books.

This month’s @deliciousreads book club pick is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow! Since the meeting is happening at the beginning of October, this discussion will be a great way to kick off the month of Halloween.

Alright, with the Miss Peregrine’s movie coming out tomorrow, and The Girl on the Train movie coming out on October 7th, I feel like it’s the season for creepy/thriller book-to-movie adaptation releases!

Fates and Traitors is going onto my TBR list for this Fall. I have always been curious about Abraham Lincoln and his assassination and am curious about the story that Jennifer Chiaverini writes about John Wilkes Booth. Everyone is the hero of their own story, right? I’d love to see how Chiaverini portrays Booth as the hero of his.

So... today's book prompt it Squad Goals... and while I don't know that I can claim "Killing the Boy Band" as an actual squad goal, I do think the premise is hilarious. In a nut shell, a couple of teenage girl super fans accidentally kidnap one of the members of their favorite boy band... and things escalate out of control quickly.

National comic book day = the perfect excuse to steal my sons light saber. Yay for all things Star Wars especially the comics available for all ages, we love them.

May the force be with you.

Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Me? I'm still holding a candle for 1970's Han Solo...

Nobody does cliff hangers like Sarah J. Maas. I was reeling for weeks after finishing "A Court of Mist and Fury" ... In fact if I think about it too hard I start getting all sorts of desperate for the next "A Court of" installment and I don't even dare to pick up her other series until it's completely written.

"His Dark Materials" is one of my favorite trilogies of all time, it's magical and fantastical and made me long to have daemon (aka magical form shifting pet) with me at all times. .. And then I found this cover and fell in love all over again. What can I say? I have a really soft spot for stars and pairing favorites is a great way to my heart.

I was sucked in by the very first scene of the book with Cinder and her leg, and then just dazzled by the rest of the books, reading them filled me with giddy joy! They all fit together so well, and it cracked me up to have characters make mistakes and later to find out they had unexpected help getting out of different situation. I also loved how Meyer wove in the traditional fairytales with a futuristic spin, the slew of strong female characters working together and building each other up and the whole adventure was just wonderful and perfect. All the heart eyes for the Lunar chronicles. But I totally judged this book by it's cover and almost didn't read it! I really hope they get a cover change...

I think this might be my first ever wrap up post, and I'm excited to finally be a part of this books awesomeness.

This month I read: Six of Crows  The Star Touched Queen  .5
The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd  Daughter of Smoke and Bone 
And I have a whole bunch of great books lined up for this month that I can't wait to dig into! (Like my Halloween props? Ha, all these books had a pretty sting element of death so I thought they were fitting... And I'm really excited for October) .

The last of the #lilbookishseptember post, and the challenge is for a classic... And I chose "Heidi" because it was the first classic my eyes happened upon at the library, lol.

What's your favorite classic? I have to admit I'm a sucker for all things Jane Austen.


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