Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Distiller: Hikari Loftus
4/5 Stars

It Ends With Us 
by Colleen Hoover
384 pages
Atria Books (August 2, 2016)

This one is a hard book to talk about both because it is emotional, and because it is so easy to spoil.

So let’s get the easy stuff out of the way first. In typical “CoHo” fashion, this one is an absolute page turner. I only put this one down when I was so exhausted that I couldn’t read another second. The characters, the story, the feels, all of it are excellent.

Second, this is not an NA story. This is firmly an adult read in my mind. While I believe that the message in this story is for everyone, there is enough sex and language in it that I wouldn’t personally recommend it to a younger audience.

This is different than the other stories I immediate associate with Colleen's name. This one is heavier. I think it will impact people in different ways and on different emotional levels, but I don’t think anyone can escape it without impact.

I found it deeply honest, not only in the character portrayal, but in that it also forces the reader to face some deeply honest and telling emotions in themselves as and how they react to the situations in this story.

I think that’s all I can say about it without spoiling this read. Almost everything else I want to talk about will give something away.

I think this would make an excellent book club selection, as it’s very thought-provoking and will certainly generate a lot of discussion. 

NOTE: Absolutely do NOT read the letter from the author at the back of the book before you read this story. (It will spoil everything) but absolutely DO read it afterwards. I often skip those or don’t realize they are there, so I wanted to make sure I mentioned it here.


  1. Gorgeous review and picture, Hikari! <3

    1. Thank you! I have been thinking of you a lot, actually! My new neighborhood has a "Clara" street and every time I pass that street I think of you! haha.

  2. I've heard mixed reviews about this book, so it was interesting to get your take!

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

    1. Yes, I heard a lot of mixed reactions as well. It's not the regular CoHo, that's for sure. I took off half a point because of small things that bothered me, but overall I thought it was an important book to read. I'll be interested to know what you ended up thinking of it if you read it!
